6424 E Greenway pkwy #113, Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Are you interested in harnessing the sun’s power to reduce your energy costs? Whether you’re looking to make a long-term investment or want to save money on your utility bills, solar panel installation is an attractive option. In this post, we’ll explain everything you need to know about getting started with solar panel installation.

Introduction to Solar Panel Installation

Installing a solar panel system is a complex process, but understanding the basics of the process is essential. The first step is to conduct an engineering site visit to determine the size and specifications of the system. After permits and documents are acquired, the equipment is ordered and installed. It is also essential to understand how solar panels work, their voltage and current specs, and how they convert sunlight into electricity. Additionally, homeowners should research the cost of solar panels in Arizona, calculate potential savings, choose the right system for their home, and plan their installation accordingly. With careful planning and installation, homeowners can gain access to clean energy with a reliable system that will save them money in the long run.

Average Cost of Solar Panel Installation in Arizona

In Arizona, the average cost of solar panel installation ranges from $10,003 to $15,100 for smaller systems. This is based on the current market rate of $3.80 per watt and other factors such as location and system type. When the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is factored in, the total cost for a 5 kW system is around $21,011. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Tracking the Sun report revealed that solar panel systems in Arizona cost an average of $2.44/W. Larger systems will cost more, with 6 kW systems costing approximately $11,071 and 8 kW systems costing around $14,874. This data provides a helpful starting point when planning your own solar panel installation in Arizona.

Find a Qualified Installer

At Solar Shark, we understand the importance of a safe and correct solar panel installation. That’s why we always recommend our customers find a qualified installer with the knowledge and experience to get the job done right. Our team is comprised of certified solar installers who are listed in the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) directory. Before making a final decision, we encourage our customers to read customer reviews and ask for references. Additionally, if you’re looking for a local solar installer, ask who will do the installation and confirm that they have proper training. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Solar Shark has built strong relationships with local installers and is a trusted solar equipment supplier. By following these tips, you can feel confident in choosing a solar panel installation project with Solar Shark.

Solar Panels installed on a Phoenix Arizona roof.

Gather the Required Tools

Gathering the required tools for solar panel installation is an important part of the process. Before beginning, it is essential to have a digital multimeter, wire cutters, and screwdrivers on hand. These tools can help connect solar panels, measure voltage levels, and properly install components. Additionally, solar panel hangers and CMU block lifters can help mount and carry components safely. By having all these tools ready before beginning installation, solar panel installers will be able to complete the job without any delays or issues efficiently.

Understand the Benefits of Solar Panel Installation

At Solar Shark, we believe that installing solar panels on your home offers numerous advantages. By choosing solar energy, you can not only reduce your carbon footprint but also save money on your electricity bills. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory reports that every dollar saved on electricity bills increases the value of your home. Solar energy is a self-sufficient source of power that protects you from fluctuating energy costs. By harnessing the sun’s power, you can make a positive impact on the environment while also enjoying cost savings and increased home value. Solar Shark is dedicated to providing our customers with a sustainable future and the benefits that come with it.

Learn About Solar Panels and How They Work

Once you understand the benefits of solar panel installation, it is important to learn how solar panels work and what type of system is best for your Arizona home. Solar energy is created by converting sunlight into electrical energy through photovoltaic (PV) panels or mirrors concentrating solar radiation. PV panels capture the sun’s energy, which is then converted into electricity and stored in batteries. This electricity can then be used to power various appliances or sold back to the grid. It is important to understand the different types of systems available to make an informed decision about which system best fits your home’s needs. You should also consider the installation cost and potential savings of using solar energy. Understanding how solar works can help you make an educated decision about investing in a solar panel system that will work best for you and your family.

The Cost of Installing Solar Panels in Arizona

The cost of installing solar panels in Arizona varies depending on your location, home size, and system type. On average, Arizona residents can expect to pay around $2.44 per watt for a solar panel system with a size of 5 kilowatts (kW), or approximately $21,011 after claiming the federal solar investment tax credit (ITC). According to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Tracking the Sun report, the average cost of Arizona solar panel systems is $3.80 per watt, ranging from $10,003 to $15,100 for smaller systems. Those looking to install solar panels in Phoenix should take advantage of the potential savings and benefits of solar panel installation. They should also consider their home size and system type when calculating their potential savings and choose a qualified installer to ensure their system is properly installed.

Calculate the Potential Savings of Solar Panel Installation

Calculating the potential savings of solar panel installation is important to consider before making a decision. With the help of our solar power calculator, you can quickly estimate your solar potential and savings by address. This includes your roof, electricity bill, and other factors unique to your home. By understanding the cost of installing solar panels in Arizona, you can calculate the value of your system and estimate the return on investment you can expect to see. You can also use our calculator to determine the estimated savings you could receive from going solar. With this information, you can make an informed decision about whether or not a solar panel system is right for you.

Choose the Right System for Your Arizona Home

Choosing the right solar panel system for your Arizona home is important in getting the most out of your investment. To ensure you get the best system for your needs, consider factors such as your roof size, budget, and energy consumption. You should also consider any incentives or rebates available in your area. Finally, it is important to research reliable solar panel installation companies and ensure they are licensed and insured. With the right information and a thorough evaluation of your needs, you can pick the perfect solar panel system for your home in Arizona.

Planning and Installing Your Solar Panel System

At Solar Shark, we make the process of installing solar panels in Arizona homes seamless and stress-free. After you have selected the perfect system for your home and understand the benefits of solar panel installation, our team is here to guide you through the next steps. Firstly, we conduct an engineering site visit to assess your solar potential and identify any limitations. We handle all necessary permits and documentation to ensure a smooth installation process. Our team will then order the required equipment, including solar panels, charge controllers, inverters, and battery packs, ensuring that all components are compatible before installation. The next step is to plan the wiring run, ground the system, and install a backfeed breaker. Our team ensures that all components are securely mounted and properly connected before testing the system for proper operation. With Solar Shark, you can sit back and enjoy the savings from your own solar panel system once everything is installed.


At Solar Shark, we believe that installing solar panels in Arizona is a smart decision that brings numerous benefits. By choosing solar energy, you can reduce your electricity bill, increase your home’s efficiency, and make a positive impact on the environment. Solar panel installation is a long-term investment that pays off over time, with cost savings and reduced carbon footprint. When deciding to install solar panels, there are several factors to consider such as the size of the system, the type of system required, and the installation cost. Our team is here to provide you with the right information and tools to make the best decision for your home. With Solar Shark, anyone can reap the benefits of solar panel installation in Arizona.